Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the important Hindu festivals. It is celebrated in different parts of India with pomp and enthusiasm especially in the state of Maharashtra and Karnataka. This is also known as Vinayak Chaturthi and is a day to celebrate the birthday of Lord Ganesha. During the month of Bhadra according to the Hindu calendar which is August-September month, Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated. The celebrations are observed for 10 days and the last day of the celebration is known as Ananta Chaturdasi. The idols of Lord Ganesha are kept on raised platforms in homes, offices and in pandals in public places. The size of the idols varies and is mainly made of clay or plaster of Paris. On the first day, the priesss performs a ritual which is called Pranapratishhtha which means life is given into the idol. After this ritual, the next one is Shhodashopachara which means16 different ways to offer tribute to the lord Ganesha. As per the hindu mythology, Lord Ganesha loves different kinds of foods especially laddus and modakas so the devotes offer coconuts, modaks, jaggery to Lord Ganesha during this festival days. Continuous Ganesh stotra are recited from Naradha Purana, Vedic hymns are recited from Rig Veda to show respect and tribute to the lord. Large processions are taken out on the street especially in Maharasthra and Karnataka. At Siddhi Vinayak temple in central suburbs of Mumbai, special pujas are offered to the Lord during these days.